CARLA 2024

Luis A. Núñez

Affiliation: Latin American Giant Observatory (LAGO)

Country: Chile


I am the Principal Investigator and Spokesperson of the Latin American Giant Observatory (LAGO ) . I am also the representative for Colombia in the Pierre Auger Observatory collaboration , within the research team at CosmoGeophysics. At the same time, I am Co-Principal Investigator of the Latin-american Alliance for Capacity buildiNG in Advanced Physics ( LA-CoNGA Physics ), an ERASMUS+ project to modernize higher education in Physics in eight institutions in four Andean countries (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela). 

I am currently a Full Professor (Retired) at the University of Los Andes in Mérida, Venezuela and I work as a Full Professor at the School of Physics at the Industrial University of Santander, Bucarmanga-Colombia.

I also continue to cooperate in the construction of virtual research communities within the Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks (CLARA) where I served as Academic Relations Manager from 2011-2014.

Graduate in Physics (Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas-Venezuela, 1979) and PhD in Sciences (Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas-Venezuela, 1988); Areas of interest are: Relativistic Astrophysics, Astroparticles and Information Sciences. Co-author of almost 350 articles in international journals in the aforementioned areas and visiting professor at Universities and Research Centers in France, Spain, Italy, the USA and Cuba.

Some of my publications can be found on Google Scholar , on ADS , on INSPIRE-HEP on Research Gate   and also on  ORCID

I have actively collaborated in the construction and consolidation of successful pioneering Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) projects in Venezuela. Among them, the following can be mentioned:

  • the Data Network of the University of Los Andes (RedULA),
  • the Institutional Repository for the preservation of the Institutional Intellectual Heritage ,
  • The Latin American School of Networks (EsLaRed)
  • the National Center for Scientific Computing, University of the Andes (CeCalCULA),
  • the Academic Network of Research Centers and National Universities (REACCIUN) of Venezuela,
  • the Academic Computing Council of the University of Los Andes (CCA-ULA) and
  • the Mérida Technology Park Corporation (CPTM).

I was Director of Academic Computing at the University of Los Andes in Mérida-Vezuela for more than a decade (1995-2009), during which time most of these strategic projects were developed. (A summary of 25 years of achievements of this department can be found in Academic Computing Council: 25 years of experience in computing services in the Venezuelan Andes LA Núñez, JG Silva, G Vargas – 2014 ).

I have participated in important international cooperation projects to train personnel and generate infrastructure in scientific computing and advanced networks in Latin America: