CARLA 2024

Wednesday 02 October

08:30 - 18:00
Please remember to present the QR code you received via email.
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
09:00 - 09:45
Opening ceremony
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
09:00 - 10:00
Sponsors: Lenovo+NVIDIA
09:45 - 10:45
Keynote Talk – Bernd Mohr
Parallel Performance Analysis at Scale: From Single Node to one Million HPC Cores
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Current high-end HPC systems consist of complex configurations of potentially heterogeneous componen ...
Moderated by Esteban Meneses Rojas
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
10:00 - 11:00
GitOps en HPC
Nicolas Alejandro Kowenski, (ETHZ - Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich - Suiza)
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10:45 - 11:05
Industrial Talk Diamond – Dell+AMD+NVIDIA
Power and Efficiency: The New Era of Technology with DELL Technologies, AMD, and NVIDIA
We will explore how DELL, AMD, and NVIDIA are leading the technological transformation through solut ...
Moderated by Nicolás Wolovick
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
11:00 - 11:20
Sponsor: ThinLinc
Nicolás Erdödy – Director, Open Parallel – Multicore World. New Zealand.
Leveraging ThinLinc for Complex Computing Environments
by Hugo R. Hernández – CEO spinTwo LLC, Houston, USA.
ThinLinc at Chile’s National Laboratory of High Performance Computing (NLHPC) – Case study
by Eugenio Guerra – Systems Engineer, NLHPC, Chile.
11:05 - 11:45
Coffee Break and Industrial Expo
11:20 - 12:00
11:45 - 12:25
Invited Talk – Alberto Ros
Accurate Predictions for High-Performance Processors
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Prediction is a fundamental technique for designing high-performance processors. Prediction techniqu ...
Moredated by Esteban Mocskos
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
12:00 - 13:00
Maximizando la Productividad en HPC: Diseño de Políticas SLURM en CINECA
Orlenys Natali Troconis (CINECA - Consorzio Interuniversitario per il Calcolo Automatico – Italia)
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12:25 - 12:45
Industrial Talk Platinum – Intel
Intel’s Vision in High Performance Computing | Strategic Collaboration: Intel & Argentina’s National Meteorological Service
Intel, under the leadership of Santiago Cardona, Director of Latin America, will present the company ...
Lizette Robles
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
12:45 - 14:15
Lunch Time
Av. Almte. Blanco Encalada 2540, Santiago, Región Metropolitana
 Club House, Club Hípico, Santiago.
13:00 - 14:30
14:15 - 15:15
Keynote Talk – Mateo Valero
Latest Trends in High Performance Computer Architectures
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In 1956, the term Artificial Intelligence was coined. From then on, research began that was thought ...
Moderated by Philippe Navaux
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
14:30 - 15:15
Vigilar y Castigar: el rol del monitoreo en HPC
Orlenys Natali Troconis (CINECA - Consorzio Interuniversitario per il Calcolo Automatico – Italia)
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15:15 - 16:00
Hardening en nodos de login y cómputo en Rocky Linux 9, Sub y Sobreutilización de recursos en HPC
Pablo Flores Aravena (NLHPC - Laboratorio Nacional de Computación de Alto Rendimiento - Chile)
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15:15 - 16:15
Panel – Government and Public Relations
The main objective of the panel is to understand the strategies and plans of different governments i ...
Moderated by Luis Eliecer Cadenas and Paola Arellano
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
16:00 - 16:30
16:15 - 16:45
Poster Session – Opening
16:15 - 16:45
Coffee break, Posters and Expo
16:45 - 18:45
HPC-Aplications Track
16:45-17:05 Strategies to Reduce Memory Consumption in Software Quantum Computing Simulators
Gilberto Díaz, Luiz Steffenel, Carlos J. Barrios H., Jean Couturier
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17:05-17:25 Adaptive Edge-Based AIoT Architecture for Efficient Retraining and Sustainable Monitoring of Ephemeral Streams
Benjamín Arratia, Pietro Manzoni, Daniel Hernández, Marco Zennaro, José M. Cecilia
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17:25-17:45 Multi-GPU Tomographic Reconstructions of Large Volumes in the Frequency Domain
Paola Ferraz, Otavio Paiano, Eduardo Miqueles
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17:45-18:05 Accelerating tomographic artifact removal using a multi-GPU system
Macul Moreno, Eduardo Miqueles
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18:05-18:25 A parallel multi-threading global energy balance for a room thermal analysis in an unsteady state
Carlos Torres-Aguilar, Pedro Moreno-Bernal, Sergio Nesmachnow, Diego Rossit
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18:25-18:45 Parallel Computing Strategies in WRF: The Role of MPI, OpenMP, & NUMA Affinity
Diego A Roa Perdomo, Esteban Hernandez, Kevin A Brown, Xiaoming Li
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Moderated by Kary Ocaña
 North Building, 3rd Floor, Picarte Auditorium
16:45 - 18:45
HPC Track
16:45-17:05 A Comprehensive Analysis of Process Energy Consumption on Multi-Socket Systems with GPUs
Luis G. León-Vega, Niccolò Tosato, Stefano Cozzini
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17:05-17:25 Enhancing Reverse Time Migration Simulations in HPC Systems through I/O and Computation Overlapping
Cristiano A. Künas, Gabriel Freytag, Philippe Navaux
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17:25-17:45 Evaluation of Computational and Power Performance in Matrix Multiplication Libraries - MKL Vs cuBLAS
Luis Alejandro Torres Niño, Carlos J. Barrios H., Yves Denneulin
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17:45-18:05 A User-centric Evaluation Methodology for Informed Provisioning of High Performance Computing Resources in Academic Institutions
Johansell Villalobos, Esteban Meneses, Christian Asch, Edward Soto
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18:05-18:25 EfiMon: A Process Analyser for Granular Power Consumption Prediction
Luis G. León-Vega, Niccolò Tosato, Stefano Cozzini
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18:25-18:45 Leveraging CPU-FPGA Co-design for Matrix Profile Computation
Fariz Huseynli, Amir Raoofy, Martin Schulz
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Andrés Ávila
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
16:45 - 18:45
HPC-IA Track
16:45-17:05 Web system for recognizing actions of physical violence in urban spaces using CNN with Transfer Learning
José Edgar García Díaz, Wilder Suarez Romero, Ciro Rodriguez, Jorge Puga de la Cruz, Victor Manuel Cabrejos Yalan, sis Ayme Moran Temoche, Jhon Charlie Martínez Carranza
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17:05-17:25 Quantized SG-MCMC for Bayesian Deep Posterior Compression
Sergio Hernández, Xaviera López-Cortes
17:25-17:45 No Plankton Left Behind: Preliminary results on massive plankton image recognition
Sofía Callejas, Hernan Lira, Luis Martí, Nayat Sanchez-Pi, Andrew Berry
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17:45-18:05 Machine Learning Regression-based Prediction for Improving Performance and Energy Consumption in HPC platforms
Micaella Coelho, Kary Ocaña, André Pereira, Alexandre Porto, Douglas O. Cardoso, Arthur Lorenzon, Rui Oliveira, Philippe O. A. Navaux, Carla Osthoff
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18:05-18:25 A computational framework for crop yield estimation
Francisco Altimiras, Sofia Callejas, Rayner de Ruyt, Natalia Vidal, Astrid Reyes, Mia Elbo, Luis Martí, and Nayat Sánchez-Pi
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18:25-18:45 Histopathology Image Augmentation through StyleGAN2-ADA
Branndon Felipe Muñoz Pinto, Raquel Pezoa, Helen Gutierrez
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Moderated by Victor Eduardo Martinez Abaunza
 North Building, 7th Floor, John Von Neumann Room
17:00 - 18:00
Sponsors: Intel
Igor Freitas (Intel)
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Aurora: HPC e IA a exaescala – Desafíos y aprendizaje

Thursday 03 October

08:30 - 18:00
Please remember to present the QR code you received via email.
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
08:45 - 09:45
Panel – Industry Snapshots: Sponsor Perspectives in HPC
This panel provides an exclusive platform for our Gold and Silver sponsors to share their key insigh ...
Moderated by Luis Marti
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
09:00 - 10:30
Simplificando la Complejidad: Software Científico como Servicio con Spack
Daniel Filipe Jana (SCITAS - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - Suiza)
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09:45 - 10:45
Keynote Talk – Marta Mattoso
Trusting data science workflows in HPC
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Trusting outcomes from scientific workflows is related to the reproducibility and traceability of th ...
Moderated by Carla Osthoff
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
10:30 - 11:15
Sponsors: AMD
by Hernán Sánchez
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10:45 - 11:05
Industrial Talk Diamond – Lenovo
Lenovo Neptune Liquid Cooling
Present the 6th generation of Lenovo Neptune Liquid Cooling technology as the sustainability option ...
Moderated by Nicolás Wolovick
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
11:05 - 11:45
Coffee break, Posters and Expo
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
11:15 - 11:45
11:45 - 12:25
Invited Talk – José María Cecilia
HPC and Data analytics to solve socio-ambiental issues
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Coastal lagoons are ecosystems with important environmental and socioeconomic value. However, these ...
Moderated by Antônio Tadeu Azevedo Gomes
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
11:45 - 12:45
Compilando tu primer stack: hands-on session
Daniel Filipe Jana (SCITAS - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - Suiza)
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12:25 - 12:45
Industrial Talk Platinum – VersatusHPC+BeeGFS
How HPC empowers Science and how BeeGFS empowers HPC
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Download BeeGFS presentation
Eiji Kawahira is the Product and Customer Development Manager at Versatus HPC, a company specializin ...
Lizette Robles
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
12:45 - 14:30
Lunch Time
Av. Almte. Blanco Encalada 2540, Santiago, Región Metropolitana
 Club House, Club Hípico, Santiago.
12:45 - 14:30
14:30 - 15:00
Special Talk – Ulises Cortés
When Sally Met Harry or When AI Met HPC
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We will discuss the complementary nature of AI and HPC, illustrating how the combination enhances co ...
Moderated by Carlos Jaime Barrios Hernandez
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
14:30 - 15:00
Sponsors: Eviden
15:00 - 16:00
Panel – Leadership Perspectives: The Role of HPC in Transforming LATAM
This unprecedented panel brings together top executives from AMD, Intel, and NVIDIA, marking a histo ...
Moderated by Luis Marti
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
15:00 - 16:00
Benchmarking ¿Anda todo bien?
Edwin Fernando Posada (Oak Ridge National Laboratory – Estados Unidos de América)
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16:00 - 16:30
16:00 - 16:30
Coffee break, Posters and Expo
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
16:30 - 17:30
HPC Track
16:30-16:50 Impact of job scheduling policy changes on user behaviour and system response: The case of the Santos Dumont supercomputer in Brazil
João Pedro M. N. dos Santos, Antônio Tadeu Gomes
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16:50-17:10 A Study of Performance Portability in Plasma Physics Simulations.
Josef Ruzicka, Christian Asch, Esteban Meneses, Markus Rampp, Erwin Laure
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17:10-17:30 High performance computing for auto supervised machine learning training: parallel-distributed implementation of the Word2Vec algorithm for training word embeddings
Viscardi, Castelli Ottati, Sergio Nesmachnow
Andrés Ávila
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
16:30 - 17:15
Sponsors: SONDA+IBM 
Innovations with IBM Storage Scale for AI and HPC Workloads
by Christopher Maestas, IBM, USA
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17:30 - 18:00
Mateo Valero Award Ceremony
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
19:30 - 22:00
Special Event and Gala Dinner
Av. Sta. María 1742, Providencia, Región Metropolitana
 Salón Pedro de Valdivia, Hotel Sheraton, Providencia.

Friday 04 October

09:00 - 09:40
Invited Keynote – Edson Borin
Training AI Models on Massive Datasets with DASF
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The exponential growth of data in the modern era presents significant challenges in training artific ...
Moderated by Carla Osthoff
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
09:00 - 10:30
Sponsors: EMTEC, ENTEL
Proyecto Renovacion HPC (EMTEC)
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09:40 - 10:00
Industrial Talk Platinum – Eviden+DDN
About the exascale HPCs and its AI workloads
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The exascale barrier has been surpassed. The Top500 now lists two machines with this level of perfor ...
Moderated by Silvio Rizzi
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
10:00 - 11:20
Panel – Financing Opportunities for Collaborative High-Performance Computing (HPC) Infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean
This panel focuses on fostering collaboration and advancing High-Performance Computing (HPC) infrast ...
Moderated by Salma Jalife and José Palacios
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
10:30 - 11:00
Casos de Estudio Latinoamericanos
Ginés Guerrero (NLHPC - Laboratorio Nacional de Computación de Alto Rendimiento - Chile),
Pablo Loyber (Servicio Meteorológico Nacional – Argentina),
Marcos Mazzini (Centro de Computación de Alto Desempeño de la Universidad Nacional de Cordoba - Argentina),
André Ramos Carneiro (Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica - Brasil),
Sergio Neschmanow (Cluster UY – Universidad de la República – Uruguay),
Carlos Jaime Barrios Hernández (Universidad Industrial de Santander - Colombia),
Isidoro Gitler (ABACUS – Laboratorio de Matemática Aplicada y Cómputo de Alto Rendimiento – México)
11:00 - 11:40
11:20 - 12:00
Coffee break, Posters and Expo
11:40 - 13:00
Case studies cont’d.
12:00 - 12:45
Special Talk – Carlos Jaime and Philippe Navaux
Towards Large Scale and Robust Cyberinfrastructures for Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean
SCALAC is the Advanced Computing System for Latin America and the Caribbean, an alliance of infrastr ...
Moderated by Esteban Meneses
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
12:45 - 13:15
Poster Prize – Closure
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
Zone colors:  | Enrique d’Etigny Auditorium   | North Building   | West Building (B06 Room)
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Wednesday 02 October

08:30 - 18:00
Please remember to present the QR code you received via email.
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
09:00 - 09:45
Opening ceremony
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
09:45 - 10:45
Keynote Talk – Bernd Mohr
Parallel Performance Analysis at Scale: From Single Node to one Million HPC Cores
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Current high-end HPC systems consist of complex configurations of potentially heterogeneous componen ...
Moderated by Esteban Meneses Rojas
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
10:45 - 11:05
Industrial Talk Diamond – Dell+AMD+NVIDIA
Power and Efficiency: The New Era of Technology with DELL Technologies, AMD, and NVIDIA
We will explore how DELL, AMD, and NVIDIA are leading the technological transformation through solut ...
Moderated by Nicolás Wolovick
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
11:05 - 11:45
Coffee Break and Industrial Expo
11:45 - 12:25
Invited Talk – Alberto Ros
Accurate Predictions for High-Performance Processors
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Prediction is a fundamental technique for designing high-performance processors. Prediction techniqu ...
Moredated by Esteban Mocskos
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
12:25 - 12:45
Industrial Talk Platinum – Intel
Intel’s Vision in High Performance Computing | Strategic Collaboration: Intel & Argentina’s National Meteorological Service
Intel, under the leadership of Santiago Cardona, Director of Latin America, will present the company ...
Lizette Robles
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
12:45 - 14:15
Lunch Time
Av. Almte. Blanco Encalada 2540, Santiago, Región Metropolitana
 Club House, Club Hípico, Santiago.
14:15 - 15:15
Keynote Talk – Mateo Valero
Latest Trends in High Performance Computer Architectures
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In 1956, the term Artificial Intelligence was coined. From then on, research began that was thought ...
Moderated by Philippe Navaux
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
15:15 - 16:15
Panel – Government and Public Relations
The main objective of the panel is to understand the strategies and plans of different governments i ...
Moderated by Luis Eliecer Cadenas and Paola Arellano
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
16:15 - 16:45
Poster Session – Opening
16:15 - 16:45
Coffee break, Posters and Expo
16:45 - 18:45
HPC Track
16:45-17:05 A Comprehensive Analysis of Process Energy Consumption on Multi-Socket Systems with GPUs
Luis G. León-Vega, Niccolò Tosato, Stefano Cozzini
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17:05-17:25 Enhancing Reverse Time Migration Simulations in HPC Systems through I/O and Computation Overlapping
Cristiano A. Künas, Gabriel Freytag, Philippe Navaux
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17:25-17:45 Evaluation of Computational and Power Performance in Matrix Multiplication Libraries - MKL Vs cuBLAS
Luis Alejandro Torres Niño, Carlos J. Barrios H., Yves Denneulin
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17:45-18:05 A User-centric Evaluation Methodology for Informed Provisioning of High Performance Computing Resources in Academic Institutions
Johansell Villalobos, Esteban Meneses, Christian Asch, Edward Soto
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18:05-18:25 EfiMon: A Process Analyser for Granular Power Consumption Prediction
Luis G. León-Vega, Niccolò Tosato, Stefano Cozzini
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18:25-18:45 Leveraging CPU-FPGA Co-design for Matrix Profile Computation
Fariz Huseynli, Amir Raoofy, Martin Schulz
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Andrés Ávila
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
16:45 - 18:45
HPC-IA Track
16:45-17:05 Web system for recognizing actions of physical violence in urban spaces using CNN with Transfer Learning
José Edgar García Díaz, Wilder Suarez Romero, Ciro Rodriguez, Jorge Puga de la Cruz, Victor Manuel Cabrejos Yalan, sis Ayme Moran Temoche, Jhon Charlie Martínez Carranza
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17:05-17:25 Quantized SG-MCMC for Bayesian Deep Posterior Compression
Sergio Hernández, Xaviera López-Cortes
17:25-17:45 No Plankton Left Behind: Preliminary results on massive plankton image recognition
Sofía Callejas, Hernan Lira, Luis Martí, Nayat Sanchez-Pi, Andrew Berry
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17:45-18:05 Machine Learning Regression-based Prediction for Improving Performance and Energy Consumption in HPC platforms
Micaella Coelho, Kary Ocaña, André Pereira, Alexandre Porto, Douglas O. Cardoso, Arthur Lorenzon, Rui Oliveira, Philippe O. A. Navaux, Carla Osthoff
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18:05-18:25 A computational framework for crop yield estimation
Francisco Altimiras, Sofia Callejas, Rayner de Ruyt, Natalia Vidal, Astrid Reyes, Mia Elbo, Luis Martí, and Nayat Sánchez-Pi
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18:25-18:45 Histopathology Image Augmentation through StyleGAN2-ADA
Branndon Felipe Muñoz Pinto, Raquel Pezoa, Helen Gutierrez
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Moderated by Victor Eduardo Martinez Abaunza
 North Building, 7th Floor, John Von Neumann Room
16:45 - 18:45
HPC-Aplications Track
16:45-17:05 Strategies to Reduce Memory Consumption in Software Quantum Computing Simulators
Gilberto Díaz, Luiz Steffenel, Carlos J. Barrios H., Jean Couturier
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17:05-17:25 Adaptive Edge-Based AIoT Architecture for Efficient Retraining and Sustainable Monitoring of Ephemeral Streams
Benjamín Arratia, Pietro Manzoni, Daniel Hernández, Marco Zennaro, José M. Cecilia
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17:25-17:45 Multi-GPU Tomographic Reconstructions of Large Volumes in the Frequency Domain
Paola Ferraz, Otavio Paiano, Eduardo Miqueles
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17:45-18:05 Accelerating tomographic artifact removal using a multi-GPU system
Macul Moreno, Eduardo Miqueles
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18:05-18:25 A parallel multi-threading global energy balance for a room thermal analysis in an unsteady state
Carlos Torres-Aguilar, Pedro Moreno-Bernal, Sergio Nesmachnow, Diego Rossit
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18:25-18:45 Parallel Computing Strategies in WRF: The Role of MPI, OpenMP, & NUMA Affinity
Diego A Roa Perdomo, Esteban Hernandez, Kevin A Brown, Xiaoming Li
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Moderated by Kary Ocaña
 North Building, 3rd Floor, Picarte Auditorium
HPC Track
Enrique d'Etigny Auditorium
There are currently no events.
HPC-IA Track
Sala John Von Neumann
There are currently no events.
HPC+Aplications Track
B06 Room
There are currently no events.

Thursday 03 October

08:30 - 18:00
Please remember to present the QR code you received via email.
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
08:45 - 09:45
Panel – Industry Snapshots: Sponsor Perspectives in HPC
This panel provides an exclusive platform for our Gold and Silver sponsors to share their key insigh ...
Moderated by Luis Marti
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
09:45 - 10:45
Keynote Talk – Marta Mattoso
Trusting data science workflows in HPC
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Trusting outcomes from scientific workflows is related to the reproducibility and traceability of th ...
Moderated by Carla Osthoff
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
10:45 - 11:05
Industrial Talk Diamond – Lenovo
Lenovo Neptune Liquid Cooling
Present the 6th generation of Lenovo Neptune Liquid Cooling technology as the sustainability option ...
Moderated by Nicolás Wolovick
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
11:05 - 11:45
Coffee break, Posters and Expo
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
11:45 - 12:25
Invited Talk – José María Cecilia
HPC and Data analytics to solve socio-ambiental issues
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Coastal lagoons are ecosystems with important environmental and socioeconomic value. However, these ...
Moderated by Antônio Tadeu Azevedo Gomes
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
12:25 - 12:45
Industrial Talk Platinum – VersatusHPC+BeeGFS
How HPC empowers Science and how BeeGFS empowers HPC
Download Versatus presentation
Download BeeGFS presentation
Eiji Kawahira is the Product and Customer Development Manager at Versatus HPC, a company specializin ...
Lizette Robles
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
12:45 - 14:30
Lunch Time
Av. Almte. Blanco Encalada 2540, Santiago, Región Metropolitana
 Club House, Club Hípico, Santiago.
14:30 - 15:00
Special Talk – Ulises Cortés
When Sally Met Harry or When AI Met HPC
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We will discuss the complementary nature of AI and HPC, illustrating how the combination enhances co ...
Moderated by Carlos Jaime Barrios Hernandez
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
15:00 - 16:00
Panel – Leadership Perspectives: The Role of HPC in Transforming LATAM
This unprecedented panel brings together top executives from AMD, Intel, and NVIDIA, marking a histo ...
Moderated by Luis Marti
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
16:00 - 16:30
Coffee break, Posters and Expo
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
16:30 - 17:30
HPC Track
16:30-16:50 Impact of job scheduling policy changes on user behaviour and system response: The case of the Santos Dumont supercomputer in Brazil
João Pedro M. N. dos Santos, Antônio Tadeu Gomes
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16:50-17:10 A Study of Performance Portability in Plasma Physics Simulations.
Josef Ruzicka, Christian Asch, Esteban Meneses, Markus Rampp, Erwin Laure
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17:10-17:30 High performance computing for auto supervised machine learning training: parallel-distributed implementation of the Word2Vec algorithm for training word embeddings
Viscardi, Castelli Ottati, Sergio Nesmachnow
Andrés Ávila
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
17:30 - 18:00
Mateo Valero Award Ceremony
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
19:30 - 22:00
Special Event and Gala Dinner
Av. Sta. María 1742, Providencia, Región Metropolitana
 Salón Pedro de Valdivia, Hotel Sheraton, Providencia.

Friday 04 October

09:00 - 09:40
Invited Keynote – Edson Borin
Training AI Models on Massive Datasets with DASF
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The exponential growth of data in the modern era presents significant challenges in training artific ...
Moderated by Carla Osthoff
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
09:40 - 10:00
Industrial Talk Platinum – Eviden+DDN
About the exascale HPCs and its AI workloads
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The exascale barrier has been surpassed. The Top500 now lists two machines with this level of perfor ...
Moderated by Silvio Rizzi
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
10:00 - 11:20
Panel – Financing Opportunities for Collaborative High-Performance Computing (HPC) Infrastructure in Latin America and the Caribbean
This panel focuses on fostering collaboration and advancing High-Performance Computing (HPC) infrast ...
Moderated by Salma Jalife and José Palacios
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
11:20 - 12:00
Coffee break, Posters and Expo
12:00 - 12:45
Special Talk – Carlos Jaime and Philippe Navaux
Towards Large Scale and Robust Cyberinfrastructures for Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean
SCALAC is the Advanced Computing System for Latin America and the Caribbean, an alliance of infrastr ...
Moderated by Esteban Meneses
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium
12:45 - 13:15
Poster Prize – Closure
 Main Courtyard, d’Etigny Auditorium