CARLA 2024

Nicolás Erdödy

Affiliation: Director Open Parallel Ltd – ThinLinc

Country: New Zealand


Nicolás Erdödy founded Open Parallel Ltd in New Zealand in 2010 as a strategic R&D consultancy, specialised in next-gen high-tech ecosystems. OP has delivered bespoke tech projects and business and market development strategies for dozens of clients like Intel, Arm, Oracle-Sun, Codeplay, etc. A globally distributed company, OP was officially selected by the New Zealand Government in 2012 to contribute to the computing platform of the Square Kilometre Array radio telescope project (SKA) till 2019. Core knowledge developed for the SKA is behind OP’s decadal project “Whakarongo ki te Whenua” (Listen to the Land) – a massive platform concept for NZ’s Agritech and primary sector. At SC24 (Supercomputing Conference, Atlanta, USA) Nicolás will lead the 2nd BoF “Agriculture Empowered by Supercomputing” following the success of the initial edition @SC23. Nicolás is the Conference Director of Multicore World -a global think tank that brings together the world leaders of HPC and next-gen computing every year in New Zealand. He holds a Master of Entrepreneurship from the School of Business of University of Otago, New Zealand and studied Hydraulics (and Fortran) at the School of Engineering of Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay. He’s a guest lecturer at the University of Otago in the Agricultural Innovation Programme. Nicolás was a keynote at CARLA2017 in Buenos Aires, Industry Chair at CARLA2023 in Cartagena, and at CARLA2024 will represent his client Cendio AB (Sweden) for its product ThinLinc (a Linux Remote Desktop broadly used in HPC worldwide).